Damien Capalare's last day working for PRJUSD is on February 3, 2023. Damien has accepted a new position at the district office at the Fresno County Office of Education. Damien was loved by his staff and the community. His students always came first on his agenda. Damien was always participating out on the blacktop and in school events like the APEX Fun Run, running side-by-side with the students, to the National Rock Your School Day, sporting the black rock n' roll wig and black jacket! He will be sorely missed!
Mr. Capalare says, "The last seven-plus years, especially my seven years at Pat Butler, have been the most professionally rewarding of my life. I will be forever grateful to you, the district, and our students, families, and staff members for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. The relationships I have built have been the most important of my professional life and I will gravely miss my colleagues at the site and district level."
We wish Damien Capalare all the best in his new endeavors!