Dual Immersion Program

Paso Robles Joint Unified School District's K-12 Dual Immersion (DI) program is a valuable asset that enhances the educational experience of the students and families participating in the program. The Dual Immersion program supports the District Guiding Principles. 
DI Program Goal
The district’s K-12 Dual Immersion program is committed to providing an additive language environment where every student has an opportunity to become fully bilingual and bi-literate by adding another language and culture.
DI Program History
The Dual Immersion program began with one kindergarten and one first-grade class in 1996, two kindergarten classes in 1997, and full implementation in kindergarten in 1998. Georgia Brown Elementary School received a $1 million Title 7 Federal Grant to support program development, professional development, and supplemental materials. The program expanded to Flamson Middle School in 2001 when the first class of exiting 5th graders entered middle school. Three DI teachers had been hired the year before to begin working at FMS and to plan for the first group of students. In 2006, a Dual Immersion World History class was added to the schedule at Paso Robles High School, and a vertical team was developed to monitor student performance.  Beginning with the class of 2016, seniors can now earn a Seal of Bi-Literacy on their diplomas, making the DI program vertically aligned from grades K-12.