Child Find

Child Find, a requirement of Federal and State Law, is designed to actively and systematically seek out all individuals who reside within the District, from birth through the age 21, who are suspected to be in need of special education and related services. 
Search and Serve:
The Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) implements an extensive and systematic Search and Serve effort to identify all students with disabilities from birth through 21 years. This includes children not enrolled in public school programs that reside in the District or are under the jurisdiction of the SELPA including infants and toddlers with solely low incidence disabilities, preschoolers, and private school attendees.
Who can Refer:
  • Parents
  • Agencies 
  • Appropriate professional persons (teachers, daycare providers)
  • Members of the public

Referral Process:

“A pupil shall be referred for special educational instruction and services only after the resources of the regular education program have been considered and, where appropriate, utilized.” (EC 56303)


If a parent/guardian suspects that their child has a disability, parents may request a special education assessment in writing. If mutually agreed upon, parents and the school may first choose to hold a Student Study Team (SST) meeting. If the child continues to exhibit difficulties in the classroom, the parent/guardian may request an assessment to determine eligibility for special education services.
Within 15 days of a referral for assessment, the student's parent/guardian shall receive a notice of parental rights and a proposed assessment plan explaining the types of assessments to be conducted and stating that no individualized education program (IEP) will result from the assessment without parental consent. The 15 day period does not include days between the student's regular school session/term or days of school vacation in excess of 5 school days unless the parent/guardian agrees in writing to an extension. The 15 day period does not apply if the parent agrees to first utilize the SST process. 
Upon completion of the administration of tests and any other assessments, an IEP team meeting that includes the parent/guardian or his/her representative shall be scheduled pursuant to Education Code 56341. At this meeting, the team shall determine whether or not the student is a student with disabilities as defined in Education Code 56026 and shall discuss the assessment, the educational recommendations and the reasons for these recommendations. A copy of the assessment report shall be given to the parent/guardian.
Students with an IEP shall be reassessed at least every three years or more frequently, if conditions warrant a reassessment, or if requested by the parent/guardian or teacher (Education Code 56381).