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The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the touchstone by which we guide and execute our efforts to educate children. The LCAP is also a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It identifies goals that focus on District practices and resources to ensure students are actively engaged in school, meet grade-level standards, and are college and career ready upon graduation. The LCAP shows the alignment of PRJUSD curriculum, instruction, assessment, and interventions with the eight state priorities. 

The eight state priority areas are:

  1. Basic Services
  2. Implementation of California’s Academic Standards 
  3. Parent Involvement
  4. Student Achievement
  5. Student Engagement
  6. School Climate
  7. Course Access
  8. Other Student Outcomes

To develop the LCAP, school districts must engage parents, educators, employees, and the community. In developing the 2024-2027 LCAP, the district conducted student, staff, and parent surveys, established an LCAP Parent Advisory Committee, worked closely with the District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC), and reviewed a variety of data metrics to inform student performance and progress.

These five goals were written in partnership with our advisory committees, DELAC, student/parent/staff input, and District Leadership:

  1. STUDENT AND FAMILY CONNECTION TO SCHOOL AND LEARNING:  All students and families will be connected to school and engaged in learning as demonstrated by local parent and student surveys, CA Healthy Kids Survey, academic engagement measures (chronic absenteeism), and condition and climate measures (suspensions).  Board Goal. (State Priority 3, Priority 5, Priority 6)
  2. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS:  Students will be college, career, and community-ready when they graduate. All students will be college and career-ready as measured by the College and Career Index (Broad Goal). (Priority 1, Priority 2, Priority 4, Priority 6, Priority 7, Priority 8)
  3. RECLASSIFICATION OF ENGLISH LEARNERS AS ENGLISH PROFICIENT:  All English learners will make progress each year toward reclassification as measured by ELPAC (Broad Goal) (Priority 2, Priority 3, Priority 4, Priority 7).
  4. ALL TK- 6th GRADE STUDENTS WILL MAKE PROGRESS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS, MATH, and SCIENCE    (Broad Goal) - Third-grade literacy is a priority in this goal and is included in the listed metrics as well as corresponding actions. 
  5. EQUITY MULTIPLIER GOAL:  Students at Liberty Continuation High School will improve graduation rates for English Learner populations and College and Career Indicator rates for English Learner, Hispanic, and low-socioeconomic students  (Focus Goal) (Priority 4).

The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District LCAP describes the District’s overall vision for students, annual goals, and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals. Also included within the LCAP is how the district will expend the supplemental grant funds that are provided by the state to support English learners, low-income students, and foster youth. Each year, the District will collect input through surveys from students, staff, and families, as well as meet with the LCAP Parent Advisory and DELAC to review the data for each goal, evaluate the effectiveness of the actions and services, and make adjustments or modifications as needed. Updates to these actions will be provided in a mid-year update. At that time, the LEA will review data and corresponding actions to adjust accordingly and as needed. 

For questions or comments, please reach out to:
Erin Haley, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services