Goal 2

California State Goals addressed by this goal:
Priority 2: State Standards (Conditions of Learning)
Priority 4: Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes)
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement (Engagement)
Priority 7: Course Access (Conditions of Learning)
Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes) 
PRJUSD has a district goal that every student will be college and career ready to ensure students have the opportunity to pursue the path that best meets their interests upon graduation from high school. We believe this is achieved through a combination of a broad and rigorous course of study, interventions and supports, as well as access to career technical education programs. Graduation rates are one metric which measures the % of students who successfully complete high school requirements and, with graduation and post-secondary options in mind, we have designed targeted actions to ensure all students have opportunities for success in whatever path they choose. 
7.33 High School Counselors, 2 Middle School Counselors, 1.0 Alternative Education Counselor, Counseling Secretary at PRHS College and Career Assessment Program, Data Analysis Ed Tech TOSA (50%)/LCAP specialist (75%) FASFA Support - College Coaches
In response to the red indicator on the CA School Dashboard for graduation rate at the district level and the College and Career Indicator at PRHS, Independence High School and Liberty for English Learners, homeless, and SWD, PRJUSD added additional counseling support including, but not limited to, an International bilingual counselor using supplemental funds to address the disparity in this area.
2023 Graduation Data shows a discrepancy between the performance of subgroups..
The intent of this goal and action is to increase counseling support in a targeted manner to address these discrepancies through a comprehensive system of support and increased accessibility of counselors to students
and families. The lowest performing group/school within this action are English Learners at Liberty Continuation High School where we have used supplemental funds increase counseling as well as Equity Multiplier funds to increase mental health and bilingual family advocate support.
Total Funds: $2,382,104.00 
Advancement via Individual Determination is a program intended to improve percentage of students attending college with a particular emphasis on first-generation college goers and disadvantaged youth.
Total Funds: $282,235.00 
Algebra I Support + HS Teacher on Special Assignment will provide coaching support and training
To address red indicators for the LEA on the CA school dashboard in the area of mathematics for English Learners, foster youth, homeless, and students with disabilities, the high school will provide support from a teacher on special assignment related to best instructional math practices as well as alignment of instruction and assessments in all algebra classes. Additionally, Algebra 1 classes at the high school will have a reduced class size maximum to provide more individualized and focused support to all students and especially our subgroups which demonstrate a disparity on the dashboard.
Total Funds:$350,000.00 
Tiered support for 7-8 English and Mathematics includes reduced class size in grade 8 mathematics, math paraeducator, prep classes, Math Teacher on Special Assignment grades 6-9.
To address the red indicator on the dashboard for the LEA in English language arts and mathematics for English Learners, foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, and Students with disabilities as well as the following subgroups at Flamson, English Learners, Hispanic, low income, and Students with Disabilities an additional 50 minutes of instruction will be provided in ELA and math support classes. In addition, the math teacher on special assignment will provide support related to best instructional math practices as well as alignment of instruction and assessments in all math classes. Additionally, Math 8 classes at the junior high will have a reduced class size maximum to provide more individualized and focused support to all students and especially our subgroups which demonstrate a disparity on the dashboard.
Total Funds: $420,000.00 
College and Career Field Trips for Unduplicated Students an Families
Total Funds: $40,000.00 
In response to the red indicator on the CA School dashboard for the college and career indicator of EL, homeless, and SWD at the district and PRHS, zero period access to credit recovery or classwork will alleviate the issue in the regular school day for some unduplicated students when they are unable to access electives due to mandated ELD or special education support classes. Access to credit recovery or additional courses in zero period alleviates the class schedule during the school day to create access to electives and enrichment courses, thereby, increasing connectivity and graduation rates
Total Funds: $20,000.00 
Full-time Teacher on Special Assignment to support dual-identified Students with disabilities as well as professional development in the best practices for coteaching
Performance data indicates a discrepancy between students with disabilities and other subgroups in graduation rates as well as student achievement outcomes. Over 60% of our students with disabilities are dual-identified as English Learner or low-income. Therefore, the additional support with IEP development and coaching as well as best practices for instruction will bring great attention to student needs and addressing the barriers to their success.
Total Funds: $160,000.00
Extended support (Afterschool, summer school support, SAT and AP prep)
Total Funds: $60,000.00 
To address the red indicator on the dashboard for graduation rate of SWD, PRHS will Implement curriculum support classes for SWD in grades 9-12, targeting Grade 9 students who are non-promotes and upperclassmen who have failed more than one class. Additionally, incorporate additional classes in master schedule for SWD to access Edgenuity led by Special Education teachers to allow students to begin the credit recovery process sophomore year if/when they fall behind. This ill be accomplished by restructuring current services provided through general funds.
Total Funds: $40,000.00
In response to the red indicator on the dashboard, Flamson Middle School (soon to be renamed Lewis Flamson Junior High) will use district and/or Community based educational partners to support weekly mentorship and check ins to support increased attendance for students in the homeless subgroup.
Total Funds: $200.00