Community Schools
The state of California allocated over three billion dollars in planning and implementation grants to allow districts to improve student outcomes and academic achievement by using a community school strategy. This strategy is intended to develop collaboration between parents, district staff, city programs, and nonprofit organizations to identify a school community's assets, needs, and gaps. Once this needs assessment is completed, the partnership will use the data to identify strategies to meet the needs of students to improve their outcomes (attendance, graduation, college readiness, and behavior) and their academic achievement (English language arts, mathematics, and science). One of the proven practices for effective community schools is the development of shared decision-making through the site and district advisory committees. Paso Robles received a community school's planning grant of $186,000.
District's Community School Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee's purpose is to review, advise, monitor, and comment on the development of a Paso Robles Joint Unified School District's Community School Partnership Program Implementation Grant (CCSPP). The Advisory Committee made up of district staff, parents, and community non-profit service organizations. This grant will provide seed money to implement community school strategies at school(s) within the district with high levels of low-income English learners and foster youth (unduplicated youth) to improve student outcomes and achievement.
